Juraperle is a sacrificial granular media for correcting the pH level in low pH water. Primarily made up of calcium carbonate, Juraperle dissolves into the water supply, naturally lifting the pH level in the water. Due to it being slow reacting, Juraperle is highly reliable in achieving the pH level you need and not “over-correcting.” It is particularly suited to correcting “slightly acidic” pH water, however it can be blended with a product such as Corosex to treat lower pH levels.
Juraperle can also aid in the removal of iron and manganese due to the oxidation process. This iron and manganese needs to be removed from the media, which can be done via a backwash process performed every day. By removing the iron and manganese from the media, Juraperle remains capable of dissolving into the water.
It is possible that Juraperle may increase the hardness of water, requiring a water softener to treat the water, however this should only be an issue with water that already has fairly high hardness levels.
16.6L Bags
40 Bags per Pallet
Available as:
1mm – 2mm
2mm – 3mm
3mm – 4mm
If you wish to know more about this product please feel free to reach out using the contact form below:
J&F Export Services Ltd
16 Brooklands Way
Basford Lane Industrial Estate
Leek, Staffordshire ST13 7QF
United Kingdom
Registered in England. Company Registration Number 4615698
VAT Number GB 810 6043 75