Semidol is designed to correct low pH levels in acidic water. It is a media produced from naturally occurring dolomite, which is comprised of calcium magnesium carbonate oxide. Semidol is used to correct pH levels in drinking water, for industrial processes and in swimming pools. Semidol can also be used to aid in iron and manganese removal from water.
Semidol is a fast reacting pH corrector, making it particularly effective when used to treat very low pH levels in water. It also reacts neutrally, which means it does not interfere with other medias and causes no problems during the switch over process.
22.7L Bags
40 Bags per Pallet
If you wish to know more about this product please feel free to reach out using the contact form below:
J&F Export Services Ltd
16 Brooklands Way
Basford Lane Industrial Estate
Leek, Staffordshire ST13 7QF
United Kingdom
Registered in England. Company Registration Number 4615698
VAT Number GB 810 6043 75