A Tailored Water Filter System for a Newly Drilled Borehole

We recently worked with a domestic house with a newly drilled borehole. It  was struggling with a fair few issues in the water. As we deal with providing clean fresh drinking water we could easily help out this household, by providing them with a fully tailored water treatment system especially for this property.

The Filter Ag plus is fantastic for helping with turbidity, as it helps to reduce sediment and organic matter suspended in water by bridging, straining and adhesion.

Next up is Ecomix, we often supply this as it’s a great allrounder filter media to help with multiple issues in the water. Ecomix is an all in one solution for the removal of things like, iron, manganese, organic matter, ammonia as well as water hardness.

The 10” Ecosoft housing, with 5 micron sediment filter is next in the water filter system. This filter s great at removing sediment, whilst also having the added effect of reducing slime-building bacteria on the filter itself.The sediment filter removes particles such as rust, sand, scale and silt.

Last but not least at the end of the system is the UV, this will get rid of any lingering bacteria missed in the filtration process. It’s placed last as the UV will reduce the risk of any bacteria getting into the water system or in this case the drinking water.

Once all of this system was put in place, the end customer was left with no issues and fresh clean water for his home.


The issues for the client were

  • Turbidity
  • Iron & Manganese
  • Hardness
  • Coliforms 
  • And slight discolouration 

To combat these issues we supplied

  • 10×44 TC Filter Ag+ unit
  • 10×44 CI Ecomix C unit
  • 10” housing with 5 micron sediment filter
  • LB5-063 Luminor 6gpm UV system

Please remember that if you’re having any issues at all with your water just give us a call and we can create bespoke, tailored water treatment solutions just for your commercial or domestic property.

Ireland Office Enquiries or call us on 067 34222

UK Office Enquiries or call us on 01538 399048


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