UV Systems, Juraperle, Softening Resin and much more!

We recently had a large delivery arrive over in Ireland. We wanted to show you what was in this delivery, as we haven’t shared one from Ireland in a while! So here’s a small recap of what was in the order…

What was in the order

  • Swan neck taps
  • 5” x 10” Pleated Filters
  • 5” x 20” Pleated Filters
  • 10” x 35” Mineral Tanks
  • 10” x 44” Mineral Tanks
  • 10” x 54” Mineral Tanks
  • 12” x 52” Mineral Tanks
  • Clack valves and components
  • UV systems, replacement lamps, sleeves and components
  • 6, 8, 10 and 20 Litre Cabinet Softeners
  • Brine Tanks
  • Filter-AG Plus – Sediment reduction media
  • Juraperle – Ph correction media
  • Softening Resin

There was much more where that came from, but we wanted to keep it short and sweet!

As you can see, we mainly stocked up on pleated filers as they are a quick seller for us at J&F. Our pleated filters are ideal for drinking water, commercial water and for high-capacity sediment filtering. So, you can see why they are popular. We sell then in a range of sizes, so we needed to stock up in all the variable options. Available in sizes 2.5″ x 10″, 4.5″ x 10″ and 4.5″ x 20”.

We next had a restock of mineral tanks. You might have seen us bang on about a restock of these from the other week over in England. But the mineral tanks are suitable for all industrial and potable water treatment systems. This product is a key product in the filter system as it feeds the water into the tanks to help with the water treatment process. Whether it be softening hard water, removing sediment, or eliminating chlorine, the mineral tanks make it possible, so we want to keep these in stock as much as we can.

Finally, we had a little top up of our filter media and resins. In this order we got in Filter-AG Plus, Juraperle and Softening Resin. Filter-Ag Plus reduces sediment and organic matter suspended in water by bridging, straining and adhesion. Juraperle is a slow reacting pH corrector, and has a much lower chance of over-correcting pH levels. Primarily made up of calcium carbonate, Juraperle dissolves into the water supply, naturally lifting the pH level in the water. Last but not least was the Softening resin. This is a gel strong acid cation exchange resin, and is well suited for commercial, industrial or residential water softening. You can read more about all our filter media and resins we have to offer here.

That’s a little insight to the most recent delivery we had here. And we hope to keep you more updated in the future. To keep up to date with what we are up you can also follow us on LinkedIn.  We can create bespoke tailored, water treatment solutions for any commercial or domestic properties. Feel free to give us a call and we will happily talk through options with you!

Ireland Office Enquiries:  +353 (0) 67 34222

UK Office Enquiries: +44 (0) 1538 399 048


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