MO-9 to a Cattle Farm

This week we supplied a huge water treatment system that was specifically tailored, to go out to a cattle farm. The reason they needed this was for the wash down and cleaning the floors in the farm. This water has to be clean and free from contaminants due to the cattle farm working within the […]

Multiple MOs here at J&F Water Treatment!

reverse osmosis

We are kicking 2023 off the right way with lots of different ROs coming in and straight back out again to be delivered all over the UK to various customers of ours. We currently have 5 MO’s in stock, all going to different places. Where, you might ask? MO12000 –  Is going to a farm, so […]

Multiple Issues with Water Supply in a Newly Dug Well

Ecomix Newly Dug Well

We recently worked with another customer of ours who had multiple issues with their water supply in a newly dug well.  The issues within this domestic property were, turbidity hardness, iron, manganese, bacteria, and a slight trace of colour. There are many ways to combat these issues, have a look what we came up with… […]

Commercial ROs at J&F

commercial ro's

Here at J&F we stock multiple brilliant types of Reverse Osmosis systems, but in this case, we want to tell you about our commercial and industrial ROs we have, because we are really happy with all the commercial Reverse Osmosis systems, we have had going out our doors this year, and we wanted to do […]

Domestic Well with Arsenic, Iron, Manganese, Hardness, and Coliforms in the Water


We recently supplied another tailored water treatment solution to a company who was working at another domestic property with a newly dug well. They had some tricky issues with their water, arsenic, iron, manganese, hardness, and coliforms. What we supplied 10” BB housing with 20-micron sediment filter 10 x 44  Arsenic unit with Clack Time […]

UV Systems, Juraperle, Softening Resin and much more!


We recently had a large delivery arrive over in Ireland. We wanted to show you what was in this delivery, as we haven’t shared one from Ireland in a while! So here’s a small recap of what was in the order… What was in the order Swan neck taps 5” x 10” Pleated Filters 5” […]

pH correction, softening resin, mineral tanks, brine tanks & more!


We started our week the right way with a heck of an order from Eurotrol. What’s in this order you might ask? Here is a quick run-down of what was in this delivery.Eurotrol what was in the order We will keep this short and sweet: Softening Resin 25L Bags White Round Brine Tanks, Blue Lid, […]

RO Installation for a Poultry Site

We recently worked with a poultry site which was having issues with some problematic water incoming from a borehole. We supplied a fully automated system for ease of the customer. A great installation, we are pretty happy with this one. On this site we were dealing with hard water, iron, turbidity. Which is a no, […]

Ecosoft Delivery

Happy Hump Day! Well in this case Happy Ecosoft Day! We have had a big Ecosoft delivery filling in some of the gaps to our favourite products. See below what was in this order: Ecosoft Delivery MO 6500 Econnect pro Low pressure Membrane – 4040 Anti-Scalent, 10kgs Drum Anti-Scalent, 20kgs Drum CE 1 Inch Valve […]

Tailored Water Treatment Solution for a Borehole

Duplex Ecomix

This latest tailored solution was for a client of ours, who had a customer with a borehole that supplies potable standard water to three domestic properties and a small holding.  When doing research into the water, it had failed on turbidity, manganese and iron. We needed to provide an effective solution to enable these domestic […]